Its a beautiful saturday afternoon. I've planted my lasy arse in our most comfortable armchair, and its been there for a couple of hours now. This is what i love about saturdays. They seem to stretch on.... Knowing that even tomorrow is a holiday is such an lovely feeling!! You know there are hours and hours to go before you have to don the stupid formals and tie again, and you can actually begin to unwind.
I always seem to get monday blues from sunday afternoon onwards. Sundays are bloody deceitful. They promise a full 24 hours, but seem to vanish in something like 12! And then desperately attempting to enjoy the last few hours of an ever dwindling weekend are hardly conducive to chillaxing.... :-)
I try not to let saturdays be productive in any way. It is near sacrilege to list up chores and tasks to finish when you can actually stretch out in a cool spot for hours and try to out-stare a friendly gecko on the ceiling. Then there are movies to watch (400 GB's of good movies waiting on my hard drive), and reading to catch up on.
Just started reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, but my eyes keep returning to The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami on my bookshelf, that Ubaid has heartily recommended. Have been thinking of reading that one for some time now.
Anyone looking for some soft, soul reading must try Stretching Lessons by Sue Bender. Its an amazing book that really speaks to you. Its a book to read slowly, and contemplate upon. Come to think of it, the last 3 books i've read were slow ones; its time i pick up something fast and exciting. Maybe Haruki will have to wait a while. I've read just the first book of the Bourne series (i know, i know, thats shameful), and perhaps The Bourne Supremacy will be perfect, once i'm done with The Secret.
Well, i've typed for 15 minutes now, and thats the max exertion i'm planning for today. It is time for my weekend afternoon can of Kingfisher, and then some sleep. Adios amigos!
For once, I agree with you, Nothing like saturday afternoon and a chilled can of kingfisher beer!!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmm blisss :)
You guys are coming to India in june na, we'll get out of mumbai for a few days and go on a healthy beer diet.
yeah.... beer is certainly the best thing that ever happened to mankind....
i wonder how i lived my life before i started drinking beer....
Ill always be grateful to y for introducing me to beer!!!!
Bevdi saali..!!! Ye tera comment Sada aur Naga ko dikhana chahiye!!
(for anyone else who might chance upon this exchange, Sada and Naga is how chan refers to her dad and father in law - Nagabhushana and Sadashiv - hehehe)
hehheheeh shut up.... he will never show it to them..... bec they dont know he drinks also :)
shit again cannot associate with this feeling of enjoying a saturday afternoon...... some people like us who work for babu companies do not have the liberty to enjoy such small pleasures in life.
Hmmmm i agree with a sunday being just a 12 hr day..... by the time you open ur eyes and start to realise that its sunday..... monday morning blues already start creeping inn!!!
three cheers
for the warm beers !!!
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