Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First post....

After just a few years of procrastination, i finally get down to my first blog post....!! As often as my lazy arse will allow me to, I hope to accumulate here some random scribblings, abstract thoughts, and by freak chance maybe even a few piddle-drops of wisdom!! :-D

I've wanted to do this for long, and i'm happy to begin. Ganapati Bappa Morya!!

Luke warm beer...... It signifies a kind a pessimistic / sarcastic humour-tinged take on life. A tone similar to SSDD (same shit different day!). It also signifies the sobering effect of practical realities on perfect happiness.

Allow me to elaborate. When i was in college, my definition of heaven was pretty simple.....a steady supply of amazing, chilled beer, accompanied by hot pakora's or bhurji to hog on. But then i fkd up my throat and was confronted with an apalling choice; i had to quit beer or.....gasp!.....drink it at room temperature. So its been more than 7 years now that i'm drinking luke warm beer. Over the years it has actually stopped tasting like bottled urine and I get the same old wonderful feeling seeping through my body and soul when the first delicious mouthfuls get in.

But even though i've sort of made my peace with this luke warm beer, there are times when a waiter will look at me like i'm nuts, and shaking his head, fetch a sun-heated bottle from the window display. And then my eyes close, and like a streaker at a tennis game, that long smothered memory of an icy tingle on my tongue slips through the guards, and i say, what the fuck......


quasi said...

welcome :)

I known for some time, (your lifetime really), that you have stuff to say which is sometimes interesting. Good to read you dude, finally. Let a steady supply of this luke warm beer flow from here ...

Archana said...

1stly goood u started writing....
ive always had the opinion that u write very well...(read ad from the time u shared ur writing abt we three awesome)

2ndly lukewarm beer!!! actually ive always laughed in my mind as to how u drink lukewarm beer and u actually claim to enjoy it....

want to read more... esp abt the "baba" so write more... and write more often....

Anonymous said...

By convention, ellipsis are ...
not ....
or .....

For example, see above -- Aniket said...


Vivek Rao said...

Yes my dear fking Einstein! Chana, please apologise for not sticking to convention. Ani dude, we all love you, but....

Archana Rao said...

aniket.... im sorry.... i did not stick to convention....

Einstein hai tu dude!!! i didnt even remember where we can use ellipses and where we cant!!

vivek... give him a beer for me next time u meet him :)

Rashmi said...

I have always told him n I'm sure lot of others must've told him the same thing. You seriously are SITWJ ......

Vivek Rao said...

eh?? what the fk is that?

Aicha said...

hmmmm...... did'nt know tht you could write well!!!...... damn good stuff dude....although mortals like me ...who are non-drinkers could have only read and understood this experience......;)

Keep the good work onn!!!